I played it for 4 hours, meant I played the first level 10 times, without beating it. I played Okay this game is art, but even with a 3D-TV but without move controller I did enjoy it only a little: First the game is very hard. Okay this game is art, but even with a 3D-TV but without move controller I did enjoy it only a little: First the game is very hard. I can't comment on the motion controls because I don't like that stuff so I don't own a PSMove. Overall though, for a cheap game, I can't help but recommend it to everyone who is interested in a very unique take on rail shooters, but I'm not sure I would have been satisfied if I paid more than 20€ for it, because it's very short and all the replay value comes from the frustrating beat based level mastering. Also, in some levels, enemies pop up outside of the screen and it's really frustrating to see the 99% after an area because some little worm spawned outside of your field of view and you didn't see him.

I can't do that for levels with music I don't like, or with really fast beat that is impossible for me to follow. I have poor sense of Rhythm so this pretty much precluded me from getting good scores in half the levels, and in the ones I managed to master (this means perfect purification ratio with 5 star score) I had to retry like 100 times. The only thing I disliked was the "on beat" combo system, and the fact that you had to MASTER it to get good scores. It's basically Rez with some additions, and in my opinion, a more enjoyable music and visuals. There isn't much I can say about this game as it's very short, but it was worth the 5€ I spent on it (was discounted on PSN). The music is nice (check out Genki Rockets, I know them since Hevenly Star in Lumines 2) and the visuals are insanely cool, they gave me goosebumps in places.

The music is nice (check out Genki Rockets, I know them since Hevenly Star in An interesting experiment that was really enjoyable for me. An interesting experiment that was really enjoyable for me.